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About 400 Weavings – 4 Exhibitions

400 Weavings 

4 Exhibitions

2 – 10 September 2023

Vævernes Hus & Vævere in Vestsjælland open the gate to a unique textile event at Kattrup Estate.
We look forward to showing 10 years of exciting efforts in West Zealand.
The 400 weavings represent a large, beautiful and unique textile collection, which 150 weavers, local enthusiasts and zealots from all over the country have helped produce.
 Visitors can experience the many textiles as well joy the following:
Guided tours at the exhibitions


Visit the Rugs Studio of Vævernes Hus


Visit the Café


Visit the Weaving shool Vævehuset in Jyderup


Visit the association Væveloftet
See the program
Read more about unique weaving inviroment in West Zealand
Read more about the 4 exhibitions:
Danish Rugs Sense & Collection


Through 10 years


Tapestry in small formats


Cushion Sculpture
It all takes place at Kattrup Estate, Kattrupvej 22, 4450 Jyderup, West Zealand
Open every day between 11-17
Free parking in the large courtyard
Write to to order a lift from Jyderup Station til Kattrup Estate.